Bear Resistant Trash Cans Tested and Approved

We have been providing solutions for homeowners and companies for over 20 years. Our innovative BEARicuda Bin? Bear Resistant Trash Cans are simply the best cans on the market today. It is no reason so many of our customers stand behind them. We have the best selection and prices to meet your budget. Our bear resistant and bear proof garbage cans have been tested time and time again by some of the most well respected independent organizations in the world.

These organizations include:

1) LWWF (Living With Wildlife Foundation),
2) Montana Fish
3) Grizzly Wolf Discovery Center in West Yellowstone, Montana
4) Wildlife & Parks Recreation Centers
5) Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee Testing Program For Bear-Resistant Products


Our Bear Proof Garbage Cans /Bear Resistant Trash Cans have passed these test the first time while many of our competitors cans took several times to come up with an acceptable product. 

Our latch system has been used in the marketplace within different product lines for over 50 years, now that's testing. Studies show that latch system is the easiest to use and delivers the best protection against many kinds of animals including Grizzly Bears.

Best of all we sell 3 different styles of residential bear resistant and bear proof trash can carts that all perform equal without having to worry about black bears vs a Grizzly bear. Just purchase any of our Bear Proof garbage containers and they all will perform according to Grizzly standards.