Bearproof Trash Cans vs Bear Resistant Garbage Cans
What’s the difference between Bearproof Trash Cans vs Bear Resistant Garbage Cans?
It's not about which term to use, but which products are effective at deterring bears and other animals.
What’s the difference between Bearproof Trash Cans vs Bear Resistant Garbage Cans?
It's not about which term to use, but which products are effective at deterring bears and other animals.
Something smells fishy! It may be your trash. Being bear smart may be the answer. By that, I mean understanding what bears want, and what they do may be the key to avoiding bear encounters. As the forests and natural habitats for bears are shrinking along with their sources of food, bears are likely to seek food in other places.
Nothing is considered bearproof anymore. The industry used to consider something bearproof if it would take a bear more than 2 hours to breach the can or enclosure. If a bear is determined enough, they are big and strong enough to tear into just about anything. So today, the term bearproof has been replaced with bear-resistant, meaning it won't permanently keep bears out but it can and will deter them from getting into them.
More and more often we hear of bear sightings in residential areas, town streets, and neighborhoods. They've broken into cars, homes, and most often into trash cans and dumpsters searching for food.
If you live in or near bear country, you need to understand when bears are searching for food and more importantly what attracts them to populated areas. It's food, specifically the scent of food usually from open or unsecured trash cans or dumpsters. Bird feeders and pet foods are other things that ring the dinner bell for bears.
So what can you do to deter bears from coming into your property for food? Bear-resistant cans, enclosures, and dumpsters have been proven to deter bears and other animals from ransacking your trash. Bears are smart, especially when it comes to finding food.
Did you know that bears are thought to have the best sense of smell of any animal on earth? For example, the average dog's sense of smell is 100 times better than a human's. A bloodhound's sense of smell is 300 times better. A bear's sense of smell is 7 times better than a bloodhound's or 2,100 times better than a human's.
Understanding that you can take proactive steps like removing birdfeeders, and dog or animal foods outdoors, putting your trash bags in airtight, bear-resistant containers, and keeping those cans or containers inside a garage, shed, or enclosure until trash pickup day.
Bearicuda Inc has been a leader in the industry for over 25 years and has a large variety of bear-resistant trash cans, metal enclosures, and dumpsters. Bearicuda bins have been helping customers keep bears, animals, and critters out of their trash for a long time. It's what we do.
We offer a variety of bear and animal-resistant containers, in different sizes, colors, and materials.
65- and 95-gallon Bearicuda Bear-resistant Garbage Cans are most effective at deterring bears from getting into resident's trash.
Bear Resistant Trash Cans with screwtop lids create an airtight seal to prevent food smells from escaping and attracting bears or other animals.

Bearicuda Stealth is our top-selling bear-resistant garbage can that is available. Stealth bear-resistant garbage can provides the best of both styles. It's constructed of doubled wall rotationally molded HDPE, there is no metal that will rust, and it has a sealed lid that prevents rain from getting in or smells from getting out. It comes in 65- and 95-gallon models (STL465, STL495), both of which are wheeled cans for easy maneuvering.

Bearicuda Titan trash can, which also comes in 65 and 95-gallon wheeled style garbage cans (PAK305, PAK306) are constructed of all welded 14GA metal making it ideal for use for bears, raccoons, squirrels, and mice that can chew through some plastic cans. Bears are not the only animals wreaking havoc in residential trash cans. For many neighborhoods, it's small critters like squirrels, rodents, raccoons, and even dogs that are getting into or tipping over trash cans. Bearicuda has effective solutions to handle those pesky varmints.

Bearicuda Fortress is another bear-resistant screw-top trash can made of super strong molded polyethylene. The fortress is available in 50-gallon (PAK150) and 95-gallon (PAK196) sizes and they have polyolefin wheels for greater mobility. Its durable HDPE construction makes this extremely strong and chew-resistant, making it an ideal choice if you are dealing with animals that chew such as squirrels and raccoons.

Bearicuda Basic is a lightweight, 30-gallon trash can (PAK130). This was the original can The BEAR Group in Hewitt, NJ used to combat the problem of bears entering residential communities. It was the first large purchase by a community looking for ways to live in harmony with bears. Rather than bears having to be killed, research from the BEAR group realized that by using bear-resistant cans, bears would be deterred from looking for food in neighborhoods and encourage them to look for food in their natural habitat, the woods, and streams.
Bearicuda offers several smaller can rodent-resistant solutions to help keep small animals out of your trash cans.

Varmint Vault (VAR233) is a 32-gallon Rodent and Leak Resistant Trash Can that features an automated latching mechanism to prevent small animals, critters, and rodents from getting into your trash. Its unique design also prevents water from getting in and it has an ergonomic wheel design.

Bearicuda Basic - small (PAK120) is a 20-gallon Animal-Resistant Trash Can with a screw-top lid for a secure air-tight seal to prevent spillage and leaching of unwanted odors. This tough little can is made of heavy-duty, impact-resistant HDPE and offers UV protection so its color won't fade over time.

LidLock Strap (STR101 & STR102) fits over standard 32-45 gallon cans. Its durable shock cord and four-point security system are ideal to protect feed, seed, and grain from raccoons, rodents, dogs, livestock, and varmints of all kinds