Best Selling Bear Resistant Dumpsters
Bearicuda Inc is well known for it's high quality bearproof and animal resistant trash cans and storage enclosures. Here you will find our most popular, best selling bear-resistant metal dumpsters.
Bearicuda's metal cubic yard dumpsters are available in 2-8 cubic yard sizes. LWWF & IGBC Certified for bear resistant protection.

"GUARDIAN" Economical Front Load Bear Proof Dumpsters
- Offered in 2,3,4,6,8 Cubic Yd
- LWWF & IGBC Certified
- 10-gauge rail stiffeners & pads
- Heavy-duty pockets/guide plates
- Optional paddle latch & sliding doors
- Engineered w/ 10,12 & 14 gauge steel

"GUARDIAN" Rear Load Bear Proof Dumpsters
- Offered in 1.5,2,3,4 Cubic Yd
- LWWF & IGBC Certified
- Paddle Latch, Casters & Dump Bar
- Made of 10 & 14 gauge steel
- Dump Hooks for dumping
- Recessed top-loading doors