The Cedar New Englander Large Outdoor Wooden Storage Enclosure
Originally designed as a garbage shed strong enough to withstand the pesky critters that frequent our area, this little building is practical for many uses. The two sets of double doors allow for easy access making it effortless to separate your garbage and recycling. Use this little shed as a great storage area for bicycles or small yard tools. Handmade right in our New England Shop, from native rough-sawn hemlock and pine lumber, this structure is delivered pre-cut and will need to be assembled on a prepared site. Pre Cut kit means that all the lumber is cut and then will need to be fully assembled following a detailed set of plans that we provide.
We use Rugged post and beam techniques, passed down through the centuries, to construct this sturdy picturesque retreat, reminiscent of old New England.
All of our wood sheds, garbage storage sheds, outdoor garbage storage sheds, and utility enclosures are built of the finest lumber and handcrafted for long life and durability. New England weather can really put a wood garden shed or cottage to the test, and Bearicuda products have proven to stand the test of time and strength.
Square Footage: 40 sq ft
Overall dimensions: 10'9"wide x 6'6" deep x 8'6" high
Recommended Foundation: 3" - 4" crushed gravel
Floor: Two 4x6x10 Hemlock Skids
2x6 Hemlock 24" on center
3/4" CDX plywood flooring
Walls: 4x4 post and beam wall framing
80" Front Wall Height 48" rear Wall Height
Doors: Two sets of 4' Built double doors
Roof: 2x6 rafters 24" on center
8/12 roof pitch
1x4 Strapping 20" on center
29 Gauge Corrugated Metal Roofing, Color: Evergreen
Standard Siding: 1" thick rough cut Pine Board & Batten siding 1" rough sawn Pine trim includes fascia, shadow, corner, door & window trim
Upgrade Siding: Cedar, 1x6 vertical tongue and groove cedar, Trim also comes in cedar.